
Poet Dee@ 2:07pm 04-15-2018
What a wonderful site for children. I am bookmarking so I can read a few to my oldest great grandson who is five. He will love some of these.
Sonia Anderson@ 5:24am 08-21-2014
What a beautiful website you have - the music was a lovely finishing touch. Thank you
Mr.Bill sawyers@ 9:27pm 08-07-2013
Thanks for link exchanging sites, from a children author in Concord,Ca.
Listed on this site as Bill's Children Stories have a fantastic school year kids, and read more. Also a school custodian helping out local schools.
Virginia Logsdon@ 9:10pm 04-16-2011
I really enjoyed your site and your writing! I'm going to give your web address to my daughter, for my granddaughter to read. God bless you!
Warm Regards, Virginia
eliza@ 1:44pm 04-04-2011
sorry that should be
Ellis and ELiza@ 1:42pm 04-04-2011
This is an such a lovely site..enchanting..Ellis and I wish you every [email protected]